Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

A Chemical Peel is a treatment where a chemical solution is applied to the skin’s surface to lift off the top layers of dull skin cells. Most patients may need to go through the procedure more than once with a light or medium peel to get optimal results. Chemical Peels are used to diminish wrinkles, discolored skin, and scarring. Our customizable peels can be performed at various depths. Intermediate chemical peels offer dramatic results, but you’ll take longer to recover.

The advantages of waxing include:

  • Enhanced skin texture and tone
  • Reduced acne scars
  • Improved cell turnover
  • Brighter, smoother complexion
  • Natural lifting and tightening


Glo Peel


This treatment combines the HydraFacial with a Chemical Peel. With over 30 different options, we are confident that together with your Skin Health Expert, you will determine the best option for your skin’s needs.

Jessner’s Peel

The Jessner’s Peel is a light to medium depth solution that improves moderate to severe skin concerns. It consists of a combination of salicylic acid and resorcinol lactic acid. This peel renews the treated area and gives you a radiant finish. This peel is specially made for skin that has wrinkles, acne scars, or blemishes. You’ll get softer, miraculous skin.


The perfect lunchtime peel! It’s our most advanced mild medical peel. Glycolic is an alpha hydroxy acid that’s the best solution for improving dry patches on the skin and minimizing acne. You’ll get smooth, rejuvenated skin.

TCA Peel

TCA Peel is a highly customizable option because of its variety of intensities and depths. It’s formulated to give you the best results depending on your skin condition. We recommend this peel to patients who have problems with pigmentation issues, fine lines, and wrinkles. There are three levels of depth, ranging from light, medium, and deep. They’re applied with a translucent fabric to the face, neck, and chest areas. It may take a few days to see completely radiant skin.

Beta Peel

The Beta Peel is an intermediate treatment that combines alpha and beta hydroxyl acids, or substances that stimulate new cell production and skin rejuvenation at the surface. These compounds reduce lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne. We’ll cleanse your skin to lift the impurities and then prep it with a mild exfoliant. The peel is applied for five minutes. We’ll persistently assess your skin to ensure it remains in optimal condition. Most patients get mild tingling sensations as the peel is on their skin. We’ll wash the peel from the targeted area and soothe it with a Vitamin C firming mask for replenished hydration. We’ll finish the treatment with a gentle broad-spectrum SPF 50 sunscreen to protect the integrity of your skin.

Fruit Acid Peel

The Fruit Acid Peel contains natural chemicals or glycolic acid. We recommend several treatments within a few months for optimal results. The treatment has a cumulative effect, and the previous peel will enhance each subsequent treatment. Most patients get six treatments to achieve their aesthetic goals. You may get mild peeling or cell turnover after the treatment. The peel’s strength and length are customized depending on your treatment response.

Enzyme Peel

The Enzyme Peel contains a blend of natural fruit ingredients and is the most effective exfoliation solution. Enzyme facial peels remove the top layers for maximum exfoliation and enhance cellular turnover. The result? A renewed, radiant complexion. It treats wrinkles, lines, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars. The gentle ingredients of this peel don’t contain acids and balance the skin’s pH levels. As the peel is applied to your skin, it cleanses the pores and improves elasticity. You’ll get new cell stimulation, and it also quickens the natural exfoliation process. If you’d like to diminish dull skin cells, cleanse impurities from within the pores, and get cell renewal, this peel is for you.

Booster Peel

The Booster Peel reduces hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and actinic keratosis in the area of treatment. It’s perfect for oily, thick, or resilient skin. This booster is also excellent for patients with moderate to severe acne or acne scars on the face, back, or chest. It will give you soft, vibrant skin that improves your confidence. The antioxidants it contains firm and regenerates the skin. It’s made for all skin types.

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Your free consultation includes a customized consultation to evaluate your skincare needs and goals. A specialized medical treatment plan and home care regimen will be created by one of our skin health experts.

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If you purchase five skincare treatments, you’ll get the sixth free.


Most of your peels treat the face. The Chemical Peels we use can treat several areas, including the arms, elbows, knees, and chest.

Your skin enhancements can last a few weeks. We recommend avoiding sun exposure and cleansing your skin daily for optimal results.

You’ll see the results within four to five days after treatment.

Yes. You might get redness, mild swelling, or dark spots. These symptoms dissipate within a few hours.

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